Nov 23, 2016
“Save the Date” postcards for the 2017 reunion have been mailed!

Dear Woerner Family:
Save the date! We are in the process of planning
our family reunion for
Saturday, July 8, 2017
in Tremonton, Utah. Please plan to join our
family for reminiscing and fun! More details to
Henry Woerner Family
If anyone has any questions, you can send them to me and I will forward them on to the reunion planners. Also, if you are aware of anyone in the family who may not have gotten the word, please let them know.

May 25, 2015
From the hosts of this year’s reunion:
The Woerner Family Reunion will be held on Saturday, June 13, 2015 at Hansen Park in Elwood, Utah (just southeast of Tremonton). From 11am until 4pm (or thereabouts) we’ll have fun activities, lunch, snacks and time to share family memories and make new ones. If you have family photos you’d like to share, please bring them. Looking forward to seeing you there. If you can’t make it this year, we send out love and best wishes until we can meet again.
Driving directions from the South: Take Utah I-15 North from Salt Lake City, approximately 77 miles. Take Exit 376 Tremonton/Garland. Turn right onto Utah 13 and turn right again at the Texaco (9600 North). Travel west about 1 mile. Turn right at the stop sign (4400 West) and go South approximately 3/4 mile until 4400 West splits. Keep right on River Road. Look for the Hansen Park sign and gate on the left (about 300 yards). Turn left and follow the road to the pavilion.
Driving directions from the North: Take I-15 South to Utah Exit 376 Tremonton/Bear River. Turn left at the stop sign onto Utah 13. Continue North over the overpass and turn right at the Texaco (9600 North). Follow the directions as above to Hansen Park.
Here is a Google Map to Hansen Park.
If anyone has any questions, you can send them to me and I will forward them on to the reunion planners. Also, if you are aware of anyone in the family who may not have gotten the word, please let them know.
See you there!

Aug 2, 2014
The 2014 Woerner family reunion in Tremonton UT will take place on Saturday, August 9 from 11am – 3pm. Contact me for location specifics.
This year will be more of an informal, low-key mini-reunion, just food and visiting. Lunch will take place around noon. Please bring stories, photos, genealogy etc. of your Woerner ancestors and ideas for next year’s reunion.
Even if you haven’t RSVPed, feel free to show up. Contact me with RSVPs or questions and I will be happy to forward them to the event organizers.

May 13, 2014
Our next Woerner family reunion will take place on Saturday, August 9, 2014 in Tremonton, Utah. Details to follow, but mark your calendar now. As always, it would be wonderful to have as many of the family there as possible! If you did not receive a postcard in the mail, please RSVP to me and I will forward it to the event organizers.
Please feel free to pass along this information and request to any members of the family who may not be aware.

Jul 16, 2011
Our next Woerner family reunion will take place on Saturday, August 6, 2011 at 4pm CDT at the Tremont Baptist Church Fellowship Hall on Walnut Street in Tremont, Illinois. This reunion is for descendants of John George Woerner (1836-1910) and Christine Katharine Huebsch (1841-1915). Please bring a meat dish and another dish. It would be wonderful to have as many of the family there as possible! If you did not receive a postcard in the mail, please RSVP to me and I will forward it to the event organizers.
Please feel free to pass along this information and request to any members of the family who may not be aware.

May 25, 2011
The details of the 2011 Woerner family reunion have been finalized, as follows:
The date is Saturday, June 18, 2011.
Feel free to join us any time after 11:30am at:
2295 North Walnut Road
Las Vegas NV
Lunch of build-your-own sub sandwiches and side dishes will be served around 12pm.
After 3pm:
3820 Light Year Drive
Las Vegas NV
Dinner of BBQ pork, beef and chicken with all the fixins will be served around 5:30pm.
Snacks will be out all day as well.
Everyone is free to come and go as they please throughout the afternoon. There are a few activities planned, but otherwise it’s time to converse and catch up with one another!
A donation of $15 – $20 per person is requested to cover the day’s food expenses.
If you haven’t RSVPed yet, please do so right away. We hope to see you there!

Apr 28, 2011
For those who may want to take in a stage show while in Las Vegas for the reunion, tickets to the following acts are on sale from $55 + taxes/fees:
Beatles LOVE (offer code: MIRAGE)
Mystère (promo code: summer)
Zumanity (offer code: Zumanity)
Chris Angel Believe (offer code: Luxor)
Viva Elvis (offer code: ARIA)
KÀ (use the drop-down in the upper right corner to change the month display, then after you click “Find Tickets” for your date, change the “Price Level:” to “C” for the $55 seats, and be sure to choose the number of tickets you want from the drop-down just below that which is labeled “Summer Offer:”)
Please let me know if a link doesn’t work correctly.

Apr 2, 2011
Published in the Morton (Illinois) Times-News, April 2, 2011

Ed Woerner
Morton, Ill. — Edgar C. “Ed” Woerner, 95, of Morton died at 8:52 p.m. Thursday, March 31, 2011, at Methodist Medical Center in Peoria.
Born Sept. 30, 1915, in Tremont to Carl and Christine (Kieser) Woerner, he married Wilma R. Knapp Feb. 2, 1947, in Morton. She preceded him in death Feb. 27, 1996. He also was preceded in death by two brothers and two sisters.
Surviving are one son, James A. (Patricia) Woerner of Bloomington, Minn.; one grandson; one granddaughter; two great-grandchildren and two sisters, Mildred Weyland of Seattle, Wash., and Lillian (Richard) Dallinger of Morton.
He was a World War II Army Air Forces veteran, serving five years with the Eighth Air Force in England, France and Belgium.
He spent 44 years farming the family farm in Allentown, Ill., before retiring to his home in Morton.
He was a member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 5921 in Morton.
Services will be at noon Monday at Ludwig Mortuary in Morton. Visitation will be from 5 to 8 p.m. Sunday and from 11 a.m. until time of services Monday at the mortuary. Burial will be in Glendale Memorial Gardens in Pekin, where military services will be conducted by the United States Army.
Memorials may be made to We Care Inc., 622 W. Jackson St., Morton, IL 61550 or to the Allentown Hall Association, in care of Gail Kruse, 28536 Allentown Road, Tremont, IL 61568.
Online condolences may be sent to the family at www.ludwigmortuary.com.

Feb 24, 2011
We hope everyone will join us for the family reunion in June! If you have not already RSVPed, please let Tony & Kris know if you will be attending, or send me an email and I will forward it on. This will allow for adequate meal and activity planning. Thanks!!
Also, the cookbook is being finalized — thank you to everyone who contributed!

Jan 3, 2011
From the organizers of the 2011 Woerner family reunion:
We have zero recipes from the family, so please send in your old family recipes or new family favorites to Tony & Kris Perry at desrtsn@yahoo.com ASAP. (If it is an old family recipe [from any part of your family], please notate who the originator is.) We’d hate to be the only ones sharing our favorites!! We’re looking into publishing options and need to get the information compiled so we can get a price on the cookbook.

Aug 17, 2010
A date has been set for next summer’s Woerner family reunion — Saturday, June 18, 2011. Save that date! Block it off on your calendar now! We want to see you there.
The organizers are asking for an RSVP from those who know they will be attending — if they can get an approximate number, they can look into rates for reserving a block of rooms at a local hotel. So, if you’re planning to attend (this means you, of course), please let me know and I will forward it on.
We’re looking forward to seeing everyone!

Jun 21, 2010
The summer 2011 Woerner family reunion is coming fast! Next year’s reunion will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada. The date is still being finalized so that as much of the family as possible will be able to attend. Input is still welcome — if you have a preference on the date, please let me know as soon as possible, and I will forward it to the reunion organizers.
Please feel free to pass along this information and request to any members of the family who may not be aware. As dates, times, and places are finalized, we will update the schedule in red text in the sidebar to the right.
We’re looking forward to seeing everyone there!

Jan 5, 2010

Henry Woerner
Henry Woerner passed away on Tuesday, January 5, 2010 at about 4:30am at his daughter’s home in Perris, California.
His funeral will be held on Monday, January 11. Contact me for additional information.

Jul 27, 2009
The 2009 Woerner family reunion took place on Saturday, July 25, 2009 in Huntington Beach, California. There were about twenty people in attendance.
We met for a picnic lunch at Edison Community Park at noon, then had dinner at 6pm at a nearby church. Between the meals, about half the attendees drove out to Riverside to see Henry Woerner, who was unable to travel to the reunion.
It was decided that the next family reunion will be held in Las Vegas, Nevada. More information will be posted here as the event draws closer and plans become finalized.
It was wonderful to see everyone, and we hope for an even better turnout next time!

Jan 25, 2009
After tabulating everyone’s responses, we think we have a date for the reunion this summer that will work for most if not all.
So, the preliminary schedule will be over in the right sidebar in red text, under the “2009 Reunion Schedule” heading, until the reunion. We will update it as we get more information.
We’re looking forward very much to seeing everyone!